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GIRFEC isn’t an extra thing people have to do. It’s a way for those who support children to work differently, making sure that they are all on the same page. Where needed, GIRFEC links day-to-day work in education, health, policing, social work and the voluntary sector – in fact any organisation whose staff come into direct contact with children. It makes it easier for those different organisations to communicate consistently with each other, and with parents, carers, children and young people.
GIRFEC provides a structure that helps people to work in the same way and use the same language. This allows discussions with the child and their family to focus on what is good in a child’s life, and what might need attention or support. It’s the bedrock for all children’s services and can also be used by practitioners in adult services who work with parents or carers.
The approach helps practitioners focus on what makes a positive difference for children and young people – and how they can act to deliver these improvements. Getting it right for every child is being threaded through all existing policy, practice, strategy and legislation affecting children, young people and their families.
What Getting it Right for Every Child means:
For children, young people and their families
- They understand what is happening and why.
- they have been listened to carefully and their wishes have been heard and understood.
- they will feel confident about the help they are getting.
- they are appropriately involved in discussions and decisions that affect them.
- They can rely on appropriate help being available as soon as possible.
- They will have experienced a more streamlined and co-ordinated response from practitioners.
For practitioners
- Putting the child or young person at the centre and developing a shared understanding within and across agencies.
- Using common tools, language and processes, considering the child or young person as a whole, and promoting closer working where necessary with other practitioners.