Belhaven Nursery School

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Settling In Procedure

In general, and if necessary, to ease the trauma of settling into the nursery school for both parent and child, we enrol the children in small groups over a six week period. Parents can remain in the nursery with their child for the first week or longer, if necessary.

Parents may enter the playrooms to join their child at play if this will assist their child to settle.

Your child will be allocated to an associated staff member for this settling in process giving both parent and child a sense of security and a close contact link in these initial stages of forming relationships. Each unit has a designated Playroom Coordinator who can advise on every aspect of nursery school life.

The staff aim to ensure that your child is shown the play opportunities available, the basic routines of the playroom and to instil the fine qualities of socialising, sharing and giving consideration to the other children.